Recommended for ages 6 to 12
The prophet (SAW) said:
“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it”
Did you know that in the most commonly printed copy of the Qur’an, there are 600 pages in the Mushaf? Each of these pages have approximately 130 words, totaling about 78,000 words in the entire Qur’an. It could seem daunting contemplating how to learn all those words, much less memorize them. But what if there was a solution which could teach 50% of that -39,000 words! – in an incredibly easy way? Sound too good to be true? Read on.
Understand Qur’an 50% is the next course in the learning series by Understand Qur’an Academy. This is a more advanced level of Quranic learning for older children. You can check out the beginner’s course over here for the little ones.

These series are put together using modern teaching models, as well as scientific methods and second language learning tools designed to have maximum impact on your ward’s educational process. This is achieved through the proprietary technique of Total Physical Interaction (TPI), which makes use of all the senses in learning and translating it to corresponding actions.

The show aims to simplify learning of the Qur’an for intermediate level children through salaah and Qur’an-centric spoken Arabic. This unique method teaches the Holy Book using words that are commonly said during our five daily prayers comprising the surahs, adhan, tashahhud, adhkar, etc. since a lot of these words appear frequently in the Qur’an. This is supplemented with Arabic words and phrases showing use of pronouns, verbs, prepositions, tenses and gender appropriation.
• Learning is more fun in groups. Why not start a group with your child and a couple of their friends to simulate the class feeling which is present in the series?

• This show places a lot of emphasis on teaching to remember what we’ve learnt. Encourage your child to teach what he learns after each episode to his group, family, or even himself. This way, he won’t easily forget it.
• Download the vocabulary sheets and other course materials from the course website listed at the end of each episode to engage your child with the homework assigned. Follow up on his/her progress and score their work to generate more enthusiasm in completing it.
• Help your little one understand the concept of TPI and teach them to use this across the lessons and other areas of life. The basic principles are to Hear it, See it, Think it; Say it, Show it, Love it; and Do it together!

The producers particularly take pride in the easy, no fuss approach to learning and pledge no dry lessons, or complex terminology. This means your child will only learn practical Arabic that he is actually going to use at least once in his lifetime, not weird expressions that only serve as lesson fillers.
By the end of the course, your child should insha Allah understand up to 50% of words, as well as 100 sentences of spoken Arabic used in the Qur’an. A bonus advantage of this series is children will learn to pray salaah effectively with khushoo’, knowing the meaning of the words they are uttering.
Help your child benefit from this and many other series today by subscribing to Ali Huda TV. There’s a special 50% discount for our blog readers which you can access here.
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